Westboro Photonics

The signal frequency response (SFR), also known as the modulation transfer function (MTF), measures a display’s spatial resolution and sharpness. It is commonly used to analyze virtual image sources, such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and head-up displays (HUDs).

WP’s MTF Package for Photometrica simplifies this process for maximum ease of use and efficiency. For a selected area of interest (AOI) with a contrasting, rectilinear, and slanted edge, the package calculates and plots the edge spread function (ESF), line spread function (LSF), and normalized SFR for each edge. The SFR plot also shows the frequency in cycles per degree at a user-defined MTF/SFR threshold, with the Nyquist limit of 50% set as the default.

The MTF Package window shows plots for the edge spread function (ESF), line spread function (LSF), and normalized signal frequency response (SFR).

For Convenience, the edge of the shape that corresponds with the plots being shown is annotated in the Workspace window. Using the Plot drop-down selector, you can easily change between plots of various AOIs and sides.

Photometrica’s Workspace window shows an annotation on the top edge of the analyzed shape that correlates to the plots in the MTF package window.

The Contrast Transfer Function (CTF) Package for Photometrica is another analysis tool for characterizing display sharpness. Click here to learn more.

Characterizing the visual performance of Near Eye Displays (NEDs) requires an imaging system and special lens that emulates the optics of the human eye. Click here  to learn more about Westboro Photonics’ XR1 Near Eye Display (NED) Lens 

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