Westboro Photonics


Attain high levels of manufacturing performance and quality control with WP’s imaging photometers and colorimeters, offering unrivalled measurement accuracy for your demanding lighting applications.

Modern illumination system designs using LEDs and OLEDs are opening new functional capabilities such as color and level control and in new formats: flat, transparent, side-lit, etc. To attain high levels of performance, manufacturers have moved to increase their R&D as well as their quality and control in production. In order to have consistent products, manufacturers are realizing that these new lighting sources need to be calibrated for chromaticity and for total light output.

The appearance of the lamps is also important. Customers want a visually uniform lighting system, typically with no observable color variation. They also want comfortable systems without glare.

With the increased customer expectations and increased complexity of lighting systems, defects that might not have been noticed in the past may now be easily observed.

WP’s high resolution imaging photometers and colorimeters are the ideal solutions to measure lighting illumination, uniformity, glare and beam pattern. The addition of integrated spectroradiometers offers unrivaled measurement accuracy for the most demanding applications.

Specialized software packages are available for streamlined production workflow for these applications:

Westboro also offers a turnkey setup to measure the beam pattern of small lamps and fiber optic illuminators, the BP100 Beam Pattern Measurement Accessory.