Photometrica Software – Analysis
Pseudo-color Rendering

- Thermometer at the right-hand side of the Workspace Window displays the scale and color mapping scheme of the active measurement component such as luminance
- When a color measurement with components of chromaticity and luminance is active, an RGB rendering of that measurement is displayed
- As the cursor is moved in the workspace, a moving level indicator tracks the pixel value at the cursor tip in the thermometer
- The color-map range values can be temporarily adjusted by dragging the highest and lowest values up or down in the thermometer
- Mapping colors and scale can be configured and saved in the Presentations Window
Area of Interest (AOI)

An Area of Interest (AOI) is a region of pixels at a specific location. The set of pixels may be defined by a distinctive shape, such as a rectangle, or by a process such as refinement. The pixels of an AOI do not need to be connected. Once created, the AOI’s properties are available to display in the AOIs Table.


To precisely define areas of interest, sophisticated refinement methods can be used to segment regions of the measurement based on luminance or color characteristics. For example, refinements may be based on simple minimum or maximum luminance thresholds, color regions, or custom formulas that define the inclusion criteria. Erosion and minimum area may also be specified as secondary refinement parameters. Once a refinement is created, it can be set to be applied automatically to segment the measurement into AOIs after each measurement.
Computed Measurements
For imaging colorimeters and photometers, standard computed measurements include: x, y, u’, v’, CCT, dominant wavelength and purity. Create any custom measurement using pixel-wise computations, including:
- Illuminance
- Luminous Intensity
- Luminous Flux
- ΔE*ab
- Contrast
- Gamma
Color Space

- Plot the average color coordinates or pixel-distribution of multiple color measurements at multiple AOIs
- Specify and plot specific color regions that can be used to assess pass/fail
- Show the measured color gamut of the device under test based on measurements of red, green, and blue
Line Profiles

- Draw lines in the Workspace Window using the Profile Tool in Photometrica Software
- Lines can be horizontal, vertical or at an arbitrary orientation
- Segment lines with multiple vertices
- Line selection(s) can be added to the Profile Window and plotted for any measurement(s)
- Multiple selections may be made to superimpose the data in the profile graph
- Moving the mouse over the profile graph conveniently activates a corresponding cursor in the Measurement Window
- Graphing scale can be logarithmic, linear, normalized and zoomed
- Profile width can be user-set to compute average value at each point along the profile
- Remove noise in profiles using Boxcar smoothing



Select a region and measurement to analyze the distribution of data using a histogram. Features include multiple cursors, logarithmic or linear scaling for both axes and up to 500 bins. Additionally, directly create a refinement by using a histogram, making a data-driven decision on where to put the threshold(s).
Pass Fail Analysis
Most production applications require the specification pass/fail metrics which must be passed for the part to move on to the next step in the production process. This type of analysis ensures quality of the final product and efficiency throughout the process. Photometrica Software incorporates an assortment of methods to compute the critical values and output the results with pass/fail information. Some examples of reporting include:
- Pseudo-color mapping in the Workspace Window
- Color highlighting areas or AOIs in the Workspace Window
- Boolean pass-fail and highlighting in the AOIs Table
- Boolean pass-fail and highlighting in the Evaluations Window
- Mapping color points and color regions in the color space window
Surface Plots

Plot a three-dimensional representation of any selection for the active measurement. By default, the extents of the plot are determined by the active selection area, and if there is no selection, then the entire measurement is represented. The surface plot will refresh itself whenever the active measurement or selection changes.
Meta Data/Plotting

A unique feature of Photometrica Software is that a document may have multiple measurements. A useful example of this capability could be measurements of a scene at different times, voltages or gray levels. Select any measurement to be active and display its data. Also unique to Photometrica Software is the ability to plot the data within on AOI across multiple measurements using the Meta Plot Window. In the meta plot, the horizontal axis (independent variable) is a unique,meta measurement variable (such as time, voltage, gray level) which changes between measurements. Also, any AOI statistic can be plotted. In this way you can readily analyze complicated data sets within the software.
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