CTF is an analysis tool used to characterize the resolution of displays, particularly those with virtual images, such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and head-up displays (HUDs). The CTF Package for Photometrica streamlines the workflow by evaluating profile lines across grille patterns of alternating light and dark lines with varying thicknesses, calculating the Michelson contrast, line width, and CTF. Both the measured data and a fifth-order polynomial fit are plotted.

The Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) Package for Photometrica is another analysis tool for characterizing display sharpness. Click here to learn more.
Characterizing the visual performance of Near Eye Displays (NEDs) requires an imaging system and special lens that emulates the optics of the human eye. Click here to learn more about Westboro Photonics’ XR1 Near Eye Display (NED) Lens.
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